kdo daboval
Vanda Hybnerová Film: Divoké včely Divadlo: Švandovo divadlo, Divadlo v Celetné Dabing: Valerie (Sabrina), Brenda (Odpočívej v pokoji) | Apolena Veldová Divadlo: Švandovo divadlo, Národní divadlo Dabing: Odložené případy (Lilly Rush) |
Benjamin Linus
Miroslav Táborský Film: Tmavomodrý svět, Kolja, Dívka tvých snů Dabing: Želary | Jaroslav Kaňkovský Dabing: Moulin Rouge, Příšerky s.r.o., Kobra 11, Shrek 3, Karlík a továrna na čokoládu |
Bernard Nadler
Zdeněk Maryška
Seriály: Černí baroni
Divadlo: Na Fidlovačce
Dabing: Kniha džunglí 2
Boone Carlyle
Filip Jančík Divadlo: Žižkovské Dabing: Dylan (Beverly Hills 90210), Josh (Sabrina), Palladino (Pohotovost) | Filip Švarc Rádio: Rádio Fajn Dabing: Madagaskar, Karcoolka, Pohotovost (dr.Pratt), ST: Enteprise (Mayweather) |
Claire Littleton
René Slováčková Filmy: Městečko Seriály: Prima sezóna Dabing: Prue (Čarodějky), Roxie (Sabrina) | Sabina Laurinová TV: Do-re-mi, Bazén Filmy: Z pekla štěstí 2, Jak se krotí krokodýli Dabing: Aladdin |
Desmond David Hume
Aleš Procházka Divadlo: Pod Palmovkou Dabing:Harry Potter (Snape), Shrek 2(kocour), Brutální Nikita (Michael) | Tomáš Juřička Seriál: Sanitka, Šípková růženka Dabing:Star Wars (C-3PO), Muži v černém (J), Pátý element (Ruby) |
Martin Zahálka Divadlo: Divadlo na Vinohradech | Jiří Schwarz Film: Jak ukrást Dagmaru Dabing: Atlantida, Casper, Kouzelný meč, Hercules (Hercules) |
Hugo "Hurley" Reyes
Bohdan Tůma
Dabing: Wesley Snipes (Blade I-III aj), Jim Carrey (Ace Ventura, Maska, Batman navždy), Cartman (South Park), šerif Wigum (Simpsonovi), Brandon Walsh (Beverly Hills 90210)
Charlie Pace
Jan Dolanský (série 1,2) Filmy: Perníková věž, Choking Hazard Divadlo: Národní divadlo, Na Vinohradech Petr Burian (série 2,3) Filmy: Tmavomodrý svět, Rebelové Divadlo: Činoherní klub | Jan Maxián Dabing: Frodo (Pán prstenů), Syndrom (Úžasňákovi), Michael (Joey) |
Jack Shephard
Saša Rašilov (série 1,2) Film: Samotáři Divadlo: Divadlo na Zábradlí, Národní dívadlo Michal Dlouhý (série 3) Film: Sametoví vrazi Dabing: Návrat do budoucnosti | David Novotný Film: Tmavomodrý svět, Non plus ultras, Jedna ruka netleská Divadlo: Dejvické divadlo |
Jin-Soo Kwon
Ivo Novák Divadlo: Divadlo Radka Brzobohatého | Svatopluk Schuller Divadlo: ABC, Rokoko Dabing:Kung-fu (seriál) Film:Copak je to za vojáka |
Juliet Burke
Dana Černá Divadlo: Činoherní klub Film: Po hlavě...do prdele Dabing: Zoufalé manželky (Susan) | Petra Hanžlíková (Tišnovská) Dabing: Sandra Bullock (Síť, Nebezpečná rychlost), Beverly Hills 90210 (Brenda), Lví král |
Kate Austen
Jitka Moučková Dabing: Morgan (Sabrina), Piper (Čarodějky), Hoshi Sato (ST Enteprise) | Tereza Bebarová Divadlo: Na Fidlovačce Dabing: Všichni mojí blízcí |
Miriam Chytilová Film: Jak se točí Rozmarýny, Kolja Dabing: Sydney (Melrose Place), Rachel (Přátelé), Andrea (Beverly Hills 90210) | Martina Hudečková Dabing: Bridget Jones (Bridget Jones), Bevery Hills (Kelly), Hříšný tanec (Baby), Harry Potter (paní Weasleyová) |
John Locke
Jaromír Meduna Divadlo: Divadlo ABC Dabing: pan Úžasňák (Úžasňákovi), Levák Bob (Simpsonovi), Quin-Gon-Jin (Star Wars I) | Jiří Plachý Film: Příliš hlučná samota Dabing: Garfield, Zorro - Tajemná tvář, Taxi, taxi |
Michael Dawson
Marek Libert Filmy: Bazén Dabing: Lex Luthor (Smallville), Leo Wyatt (Charmed), Jako kočky a psi | Martin Stránský Divadlo: J.K.Tyla Film: Pravidla lží Dabing: Taxi taxi, Za plotem, Dr.House (Dr.House) |
Rose Nadler
Jaroslava Obermaierová
Seriály: 30 případů majora Zemana, Ulice
Dabing: Válka Roseových, Policajt ze školky
James "Sawyer" Ford
Pavel Vondra Divadlo: Bránické divadlo Dabing: Steve (Beverly Hills 90210), Kobra 11 | Zdeněk Podhůrský Film: Černí baroni, Bathory TV: Pálí vám to? |
Sayid Jarrah
Filip Švarc Rádio: Rádio Fajn Dabing: Madagaskar, Karcoolka, Pohotovost (dr.Pratt), ST: Enteprise (Mayweather) | Petr Burian Filmy: Tmavomodrý svět, Rebelové Divadlo: Činoherní klub |
Shannon Rutherford
Jitka Ježková Filmy: Báječná léta pod psa Seriály: Nováci Dabing: Sabrina, Holky to chtěj taky | Kateřina Petrová Divadlo: Divadlo ABC TV: O poklad Anežky české Dabing: Darované srdce |
Sun Kwon
Tereza Chudobová Divadlo: Ta Fantastika Dabing: Lois (Smallville), Libby (Sabrina), del Amicová (Pohotovost), Piper (Čarodějky) | Hana Krtičková Divadlo: Divadlo Šrapnel Dabing: Mach, Šebestová a kouzelné sluchátko, Letopisy Narnie |
Walt Lloyd
Jan Rimbala Dabing: mladý Willy (Karlík a továrna na Čokoládu) | Petr Neskusil Dabing: Karlík (Karlík a továrna na čokoládu), DJ (Monster House) |
Přehled komentářů
Is there anyone who heard about Elon Musk EA? The costs is 999 or 1999 USD so not so cheap ( I don't have many experience with EA)
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(Robertspicy, 26. 9. 2022 4:14)
Is there anyone who heard about Elon Musk EA? The costs is 999 or 1999 USD so not so cheap ( I don't have many experience with EA)
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The results between a demo and a real account are completely different. The many break-evens and small profits that you see with a demo account, result in a stop-loss when using a real account because of high slippage. This slippage is caused by liquidity problems. Even the fastest VPS and the best broker will not prevent this. The seller with the name Jared Winston is selling this EA since 2016 and it had several names: VOLUME SCALPING EA, PROVSA EA, and now ELONMUSK EA. The real name of Jared is, Konstantin Stanislavovich Boykachev and he is involved into the scam broker NDDFX as well. I need to mention that he only publish real-account results from this broker. Anything else are demo-accounts. So be warned. Stay clear from both ELONMUSK EA and NDDFX
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(VictorSor, 26. 9. 2022 4:14)
Is there anyone who heard about Elon Musk EA? The costs is 999 or 1999 USD so not so cheap ( I don't have many experience with EA)
Is there anyone who tried it on Real Account ? For DEMO it's free to use, i tried it for a few days ( i will continue minimal next 14 days). But I didn't found anyone who can say "Yes it works" independently
The results between a demo and a real account are completely different. The many break-evens and small profits that you see with a demo account, result in a stop-loss when using a real account because of high slippage. This slippage is caused by liquidity problems. Even the fastest VPS and the best broker will not prevent this. The seller with the name Jared Winston is selling this EA since 2016 and it had several names: VOLUME SCALPING EA, PROVSA EA, and now ELONMUSK EA. The real name of Jared is, Konstantin Stanislavovich Boykachev and he is involved into the scam broker NDDFX as well. I need to mention that he only publish real-account results from this broker. Anything else are demo-accounts. So be warned. Stay clear from both ELONMUSK EA and NDDFX
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(JamesPhole, 26. 9. 2022 3:52)The results between a demo and a real account are completely different. The many break-evens and small profits that you see with a demo account, result in a stop-loss when using a real account because of high slippage. This slippage is caused by liquidity problems. Even the fastest VPS and the best broker will not prevent this. The seller with the name Jared Winston is selling this EA since 2016 and it had several names: VOLUME SCALPING EA, PROVSA EA, and now ELONMUSK EA. The real name of Jared is, Konstantin Stanislavovich Boykachev and he is involved into the scam broker NDDFX as well. I need to mention that he only publish real-account results from this broker. Anything else are demo-accounts. So be warned. Stay clear from both ELONMUSK EA and NDDFX
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(JamesPhole, 26. 9. 2022 3:10)The results between a demo and a real account are completely different. The many break-evens and small profits that you see with a demo account, result in a stop-loss when using a real account because of high slippage. This slippage is caused by liquidity problems. Even the fastest VPS and the best broker will not prevent this. The seller with the name Jared Winston is selling this EA since 2016 and it had several names: VOLUME SCALPING EA, PROVSA EA, and now ELONMUSK EA. The real name of Jared is, Konstantin Stanislavovich Boykachev and he is involved into the scam broker NDDFX as well. I need to mention that he only publish real-account results from this broker. Anything else are demo-accounts. So be warned. Stay clear from both ELONMUSK EA and NDDFX
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