kdo daboval
Vanda Hybnerová Film: Divoké včely Divadlo: Švandovo divadlo, Divadlo v Celetné Dabing: Valerie (Sabrina), Brenda (Odpočívej v pokoji) | Apolena Veldová Divadlo: Švandovo divadlo, Národní divadlo Dabing: Odložené případy (Lilly Rush) |
Benjamin Linus
Miroslav Táborský Film: Tmavomodrý svět, Kolja, Dívka tvých snů Dabing: Želary | Jaroslav Kaňkovský Dabing: Moulin Rouge, Příšerky s.r.o., Kobra 11, Shrek 3, Karlík a továrna na čokoládu |
Bernard Nadler
Zdeněk Maryška
Seriály: Černí baroni
Divadlo: Na Fidlovačce
Dabing: Kniha džunglí 2
Boone Carlyle
Filip Jančík Divadlo: Žižkovské Dabing: Dylan (Beverly Hills 90210), Josh (Sabrina), Palladino (Pohotovost) | Filip Švarc Rádio: Rádio Fajn Dabing: Madagaskar, Karcoolka, Pohotovost (dr.Pratt), ST: Enteprise (Mayweather) |
Claire Littleton
René Slováčková Filmy: Městečko Seriály: Prima sezóna Dabing: Prue (Čarodějky), Roxie (Sabrina) | Sabina Laurinová TV: Do-re-mi, Bazén Filmy: Z pekla štěstí 2, Jak se krotí krokodýli Dabing: Aladdin |
Desmond David Hume
Aleš Procházka Divadlo: Pod Palmovkou Dabing:Harry Potter (Snape), Shrek 2(kocour), Brutální Nikita (Michael) | Tomáš Juřička Seriál: Sanitka, Šípková růženka Dabing:Star Wars (C-3PO), Muži v černém (J), Pátý element (Ruby) |
Martin Zahálka Divadlo: Divadlo na Vinohradech | Jiří Schwarz Film: Jak ukrást Dagmaru Dabing: Atlantida, Casper, Kouzelný meč, Hercules (Hercules) |
Hugo "Hurley" Reyes
Bohdan Tůma
Dabing: Wesley Snipes (Blade I-III aj), Jim Carrey (Ace Ventura, Maska, Batman navždy), Cartman (South Park), šerif Wigum (Simpsonovi), Brandon Walsh (Beverly Hills 90210)
Charlie Pace
Jan Dolanský (série 1,2) Filmy: Perníková věž, Choking Hazard Divadlo: Národní divadlo, Na Vinohradech Petr Burian (série 2,3) Filmy: Tmavomodrý svět, Rebelové Divadlo: Činoherní klub | Jan Maxián Dabing: Frodo (Pán prstenů), Syndrom (Úžasňákovi), Michael (Joey) |
Jack Shephard
Saša Rašilov (série 1,2) Film: Samotáři Divadlo: Divadlo na Zábradlí, Národní dívadlo Michal Dlouhý (série 3) Film: Sametoví vrazi Dabing: Návrat do budoucnosti | David Novotný Film: Tmavomodrý svět, Non plus ultras, Jedna ruka netleská Divadlo: Dejvické divadlo |
Jin-Soo Kwon
Ivo Novák Divadlo: Divadlo Radka Brzobohatého | Svatopluk Schuller Divadlo: ABC, Rokoko Dabing:Kung-fu (seriál) Film:Copak je to za vojáka |
Juliet Burke
Dana Černá Divadlo: Činoherní klub Film: Po hlavě...do prdele Dabing: Zoufalé manželky (Susan) | Petra Hanžlíková (Tišnovská) Dabing: Sandra Bullock (Síť, Nebezpečná rychlost), Beverly Hills 90210 (Brenda), Lví král |
Kate Austen
Jitka Moučková Dabing: Morgan (Sabrina), Piper (Čarodějky), Hoshi Sato (ST Enteprise) | Tereza Bebarová Divadlo: Na Fidlovačce Dabing: Všichni mojí blízcí |
Miriam Chytilová Film: Jak se točí Rozmarýny, Kolja Dabing: Sydney (Melrose Place), Rachel (Přátelé), Andrea (Beverly Hills 90210) | Martina Hudečková Dabing: Bridget Jones (Bridget Jones), Bevery Hills (Kelly), Hříšný tanec (Baby), Harry Potter (paní Weasleyová) |
John Locke
Jaromír Meduna Divadlo: Divadlo ABC Dabing: pan Úžasňák (Úžasňákovi), Levák Bob (Simpsonovi), Quin-Gon-Jin (Star Wars I) | Jiří Plachý Film: Příliš hlučná samota Dabing: Garfield, Zorro - Tajemná tvář, Taxi, taxi |
Michael Dawson
Marek Libert Filmy: Bazén Dabing: Lex Luthor (Smallville), Leo Wyatt (Charmed), Jako kočky a psi | Martin Stránský Divadlo: J.K.Tyla Film: Pravidla lží Dabing: Taxi taxi, Za plotem, Dr.House (Dr.House) |
Rose Nadler
Jaroslava Obermaierová
Seriály: 30 případů majora Zemana, Ulice
Dabing: Válka Roseových, Policajt ze školky
James "Sawyer" Ford
Pavel Vondra Divadlo: Bránické divadlo Dabing: Steve (Beverly Hills 90210), Kobra 11 | Zdeněk Podhůrský Film: Černí baroni, Bathory TV: Pálí vám to? |
Sayid Jarrah
Filip Švarc Rádio: Rádio Fajn Dabing: Madagaskar, Karcoolka, Pohotovost (dr.Pratt), ST: Enteprise (Mayweather) | Petr Burian Filmy: Tmavomodrý svět, Rebelové Divadlo: Činoherní klub |
Shannon Rutherford
Jitka Ježková Filmy: Báječná léta pod psa Seriály: Nováci Dabing: Sabrina, Holky to chtěj taky | Kateřina Petrová Divadlo: Divadlo ABC TV: O poklad Anežky české Dabing: Darované srdce |
Sun Kwon
Tereza Chudobová Divadlo: Ta Fantastika Dabing: Lois (Smallville), Libby (Sabrina), del Amicová (Pohotovost), Piper (Čarodějky) | Hana Krtičková Divadlo: Divadlo Šrapnel Dabing: Mach, Šebestová a kouzelné sluchátko, Letopisy Narnie |
Walt Lloyd
Jan Rimbala Dabing: mladý Willy (Karlík a továrna na Čokoládu) | Petr Neskusil Dabing: Karlík (Karlík a továrna na čokoládu), DJ (Monster House) |
Přehled komentářů
<img src="https://www.aljazeera.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/000_323T7CE.jpg?resize=1200%2C630"> Russia-Ukraine war: In Chinese media, the US is the villainAl Jazeera English plsHelpUkraine04202207
China could face sanctions if it supports Russia’s war in Ukraine, U.S. says - Global News
(DavidKem, 7. 4. 2022 3:27)<img src="https://globalnews.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/ChinaRussia.jpg?quality=85&strip=all&w=720&h=379&crop=1"> China could face sanctions if it supports Russia’s war in Ukraine, U.S. saysGlobal News plsHelpUkraine04202207
Opinion | Has Putin's brutality finally hit a wall in Ukraine? - The Washington Post
(DavidKem, 7. 4. 2022 2:18)<img src="https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/SWGOTGVUZII6ZA2YECVBMNK7WQ.jpg&w=1440"> Opinion | Has Putin's brutality finally hit a wall in Ukraine?The Washington Post plsHelpUkraine04202207
China could face sanctions if it supports Russia’s war in Ukraine, U.S. says - Global News
(DavidKem, 7. 4. 2022 1:16)<img src="https://globalnews.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/ChinaRussia.jpg?quality=85&strip=all&w=720&h=379&crop=1"> China could face sanctions if it supports Russia’s war in Ukraine, U.S. saysGlobal News plsHelpUkraine04202207
Germany could ration power if fuel standoff continues - as it happened - The Guardian
(DavidKem, 6. 4. 2022 23:52)<img src="https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/720b6919f29d1866d766558ddf2d7f0c6bbcb75d/0_171_3500_2100/master/3500.jpg?width=1200&height=630&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&overlay-align=bottom%2Cleft&overlay-width=100p&overlay-base64=L2ltZy9zdGF0aWMvb3ZlcmxheXMvdGctbGl2ZS5wbmc&enable=upscale&s=503152148586217a2aab16a51a264099"> Germany could ration power if fuel standoff continues - as it happenedThe Guardian plsHelpUkraine04202206
In Thailand, the war in Ukraine divides the generations - The Guardian
(DavidKem, 6. 4. 2022 22:44)<img src="https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/139d6f1115840a4624c5ef505d49b530b6f8df51/0_73_3250_1950/master/3250.jpg?width=1200&height=630&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&overlay-align=bottom%2Cleft&overlay-width=100p&overlay-base64=L2ltZy9zdGF0aWMvb3ZlcmxheXMvdGctZGVmYXVsdC5wbmc&enable=upscale&s=e1f390c927b19b2364ff73b893229cb8"> In Thailand, the war in Ukraine divides the generationsThe Guardian plsHelpUkraine04202206
Opinion | In Putin’s War on Ukraine, Expect the Unexpected - The New York Times
(DavidKem, 6. 4. 2022 21:33)<img src="https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/03/15/opinion/15friedmanSub/15friedmanSub-facebookJumbo.jpg"> Opinion | In Putin’s War on Ukraine, Expect the UnexpectedThe New York Times plsHelpUkraine04202206
Will Mercenaries and Foreign Fighters Change the Course of Ukraine’s War? - The New Yorker
(DavidKem, 6. 4. 2022 20:48)<img src="https://media.newyorker.com/photos/624cbe8ce4463814335f4a72/16:9/w_1280,c_limit/Wright-Russianmercenaries-Ukraine.jpg"> Will Mercenaries and Foreign Fighters Change the Course of Ukraine’s War?The New Yorker plsHelpUkraine04202206
Opinion | In Putin’s War on Ukraine, Expect the Unexpected - The New York Times
(DavidKem, 6. 4. 2022 20:03)<img src="https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/03/15/opinion/15friedmanSub/15friedmanSub-facebookJumbo.jpg"> Opinion | In Putin’s War on Ukraine, Expect the UnexpectedThe New York Times plsHelpUkraine04202206
Germany could ration power if fuel standoff continues - as it happened - The Guardian
(DavidKem, 6. 4. 2022 19:22)<img src="https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/720b6919f29d1866d766558ddf2d7f0c6bbcb75d/0_171_3500_2100/master/3500.jpg?width=1200&height=630&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&overlay-align=bottom%2Cleft&overlay-width=100p&overlay-base64=L2ltZy9zdGF0aWMvb3ZlcmxheXMvdGctbGl2ZS5wbmc&enable=upscale&s=503152148586217a2aab16a51a264099"> Germany could ration power if fuel standoff continues - as it happenedThe Guardian plsHelpUkraine04202206
U.S. Will Help Transfer Soviet-Made Tanks to Ukraine - The New York Times
(DavidKem, 5. 4. 2022 22:33)<img src="https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/02/17/multimedia/01dc-military-photo/01dc-military-photo-facebookJumbo-v3.jpg"> U.S. Will Help Transfer Soviet-Made Tanks to UkraineThe New York Times plsHelpUkraine04202205
вЂHomes for Ukraine’ is just a slogan – as I found out by trying to welcome a refugee - The Guardian
(DavidKem, 5. 4. 2022 20:27)<img src="https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/4389ce4c0f8dcc93adc0885149f306e5969ae4a0/0_334_8116_4873/master/8116.jpg?width=1200&height=630&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&overlay-align=bottom%2Cleft&overlay-width=100p&overlay-base64=L2ltZy9zdGF0aWMvb3ZlcmxheXMvdGctb3BpbmlvbnMucG5n&enable=upscale&s=427361eae65d1f00321ddc589c8be46f"> вЂHomes for Ukraine’ is just a slogan – as I found out by trying to welcome a refugeeThe Guardian plsHelpUkraine04202205
Putin’s Russia: From a вЂgreat power’ to a вЂpariah state’ - Al Jazeera English
(DavidKem, 5. 4. 2022 18:09)<img src="https://www.aljazeera.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/2022-03-18T141648Z_1495951098_RC225T9UCDLP_RTRMADP_3_UKRAINE-CRISIS-CRIMEA-RUSSIA.jpg?resize=1200%2C630"> Putin’s Russia: From a вЂgreat power’ to a вЂpariah state’Al Jazeera English plsHelpUkraine04202205
Russia’s slow cyberwar in Ukraine begins to escalate, experts say - The Guardian
(DavidKem, 3. 4. 2022 1:19)<img src="https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/5614674fba126105da2b7fc4c3725bd1773fc0e9/0_59_6000_3601/master/6000.jpg?width=1200&height=630&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&overlay-align=bottom%2Cleft&overlay-width=100p&overlay-base64=L2ltZy9zdGF0aWMvb3ZlcmxheXMvdGctZGVmYXVsdC5wbmc&enable=upscale&s=294f5aadf508d16c7a214ba469cfd4d5"> Russia’s slow cyberwar in Ukraine begins to escalate, experts sayThe Guardian plsHelpUkraine04202203
навесы из стекла
(Bogdanbhj, 27. 3. 2022 11:47)
Привет товарищи!
Более подробная информация размещена https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e-qsrosEBvPPvIxO1GO9qvs5WH9WS7kV/view?usp=sharing
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Good girl
(roodo, 26. 3. 2022 1:40)Hello, I'm good girl and looking for good man. If you are interested, I'll send my photo. Thank's https://tinyurl.com/y9wqck83
French Retailer Still in Russia Angers Its Ukraine Workers - The New York Times
(DavidKem, 25. 3. 2022 19:36)<img src="https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/03/24/business/00frenchbiz-ukraine-sub/frenchbiz-ukraine-sub-facebookJumbo.jpg"> French Retailer Still in Russia Angers Its Ukraine WorkersThe New York Times plsHelpUkraine03202225
Covid vaccine and inconsequential boobs
(LoraDonyday, 23. 3. 2022 16:09)
It happened a elongated while ago in the first comber of the pandemic. My standing is Mary, I'm isolated, an full maiden who makes good-hearted money, likes erotic copulation and gives fucking blowjobs. But that's not what this execution is about.
At the blood of the pandemic I went on a crumpet with a the soul track horse-races as fixed, the overall as general: Intersection, walking, stumbling-block, making roger and a blunt correspondence... But then entire lot went wrong... After a week I felt green about the gills but I didn't remunerate perceive to it since drag is peculiarity of women before their periods... I deliberating it was a hormonal malfunction and my space came earlier, so I didn't over much intimation to it... After another week I had a fever, batty my charms... And then the worst deed happened, no, it wasn't a down or pregnancy, but it was altogether unpleasant, too... She was put on a ventilator....
Fortunately all turned insensible and after a couple of months of rehabilitation I am fine fettle again and redress in time, but I seduce been approaching dating more cautiously, although I had a vaccination from COViD-19, but I do it on the site. The good pleasure is that you can glimpse that people are vaccinated and it is much easier and safer to fall on a date. Get well coupling everybody, behest punctiliousness of yourself.
This is my photo before I got head https://free.idrott.site/?u=4mwpte4&o=8xckkzp&t=photo1Bus and this is me after I recovered https://free.idrott.site/?u=4mwpte4&o=8xckkzp&t=photo2Mi (copy and past links to browser )
On the undiminished I've got healthier looking, but it's a ruth my boobs are smaller))
HACK Google TOP-1 for any querry
(Teddyben, 22. 3. 2022 10:00)Secret Cheat Google TOP-1 >>>>>>> https://telegra.ph/Cheat-Code-Google-to-get-TOP-1-03-19-3?37223 <<<<<<<
I have run out of words for the horror of Putin’s crimes in Ukraine
(DavidKem, 14. 3. 2022 8:30)<img src="https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/70d43d39c98f3cb285fd998198e217e026e6bd80/0_288_8640_5184/master/8640.jpg?width=1200&height=630&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&overlay-align=bottom%2Cleft&overlay-width=100p&overlay-base64=L2ltZy9zdGF0aWMvb3ZlcmxheXMvdGctb3BpbmlvbnMucG5n&s=19634ec928b1ed58b56ebb4fee29009f">We remember the murdered bakers, the postal workers, the animal shelter volunteers and we say: there will be justice plsHelpUkraine03202213
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Russia-Ukraine war: In Chinese media, the US is the villain - Al Jazeera English
(DavidKem, 7. 4. 2022 4:33)